Find out if you can still get health coverage

You can get or change health coverage for the rest of the year if you qualify for:

  • A Special Enrollment Period due to a life change

Certain life events, like losing health coverage (including Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage), moving, getting married, having a baby, or adopting a child, may qualify you to enroll in or change Marketplace health plans outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period (November 1 – January 15).

  • A Special Enrollment Period due to a recent loss of Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage

If you recently lost (or will soon lose) your Medicaid or CHIP coverage because your income is too high or other changes make you ineligible, you may qualify to enroll in a Marketplace plan through a Special Enrollment Period.

  • Medicaid, CHIP, or a new Special Enrollment Period based on income

Individuals, families and children with certain incomes may qualify for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or health insurance through the Marketplace. If eligible based on estimated household income, you can apply any time.


Still need health insurance?

You can enroll in or change plans if you have certain life events or income, or qualify for Medicaid or CHIP.

Health Insurance Benefits

Emergency services
This service is provided when you go to the emergency room for life-threatening situations or conditions. You cannot be charged extra for an out-of-network emergency visit.

This benefit includes inpatient care such as surgery and overnight stays in the hospital.

Ambulatory patient services
This includes all outpatient services that you receive without admission to a hospital, such as walking into your primary care provider’s office for a regular visit.

Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care
Under this benefit, health care coverage is provided both before and after birth.

Mental health and substance use disorder services
Behavioral health treatment, counseling, and psychotherapy are part of this service

Prescription drugs
Under this benefit, all plans must cover at least one drug from every category listed in the U.S.

Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
This benefit provides coverage of services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills.

Laboratory services
This benefit includes testing to diagnose diseases and injuries to determine whether a treatment or service is effective, as well as some preventive screenings.

Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
The goal of this benefit is to get people to see their primary care provider before they get sick. It includes many preventive services covered by your plan at no extra cost.

Pediatric services
This includes dental care through stand-alone dental plans and vision care for children younger than age 19.

100% Safe and Secure


When you are ready to enroll in a health insurance plan, there are a number of things you can do and have on hand to make the process less stressful. Here is a checklist you may use to make enrolling in an Obamacare healthcare plan as stress-free as possible

Before you Call

Choose a day when you have plenty of time to sit down so you can answer numerous questions regarding your coverage needs, income, family size/makeup, etc., and add it to your calendar.

Review the carriers so that you can have an idea of which you may be interested in.

Prepare to answer detailed questions having to do with your income, citizenship status, medical expenses, babysitting expenses, etc.

Examples of Financial Information you may need
  • Recent Pay stubs (Civilian, Military, etc.)
  • Recent Tax Returns
  • Unemployment Benefit
  • Pension/annuity
  • Social Security
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Veterans’ Benefit
  • Other income (rent, Interests
  • Support from Family Members

Submit the necessary documents so you can verify your citizenship, finances, identified expenses, etc

Experience the comfort of having a high-quality Obamacare health plan that suits the needs of both you and your family.